
Welcome to my website. I am a researcher in the Evolution and Social Cognition team at the Institut Jean Nicod, Paris. I am also a Professor at Northumbria University.

I study a number of different topics relating to behaviour, cognition, society and health. My current research projects are in one or more of the following areas:

  • Economic and social inequality
  • Trust, cooperation and antisocial behaviour
  • Adversity and aging
  • Hunger and food insecurity
  • Moral and political cognition

My work spans the biological and social sciences. I am also interested more broadly in explanations in the behavioural sciences; in interdisciplinary synthesis; and in open science. Recently I have begun to explore how my work might apply to and support public policy.

From this site, you can download all of my research papers. There should be no need to cross a paywall to access any of my research papers; there’s always some kind of version freely available on this site (at least for everthing I have written since 2009), even if it is not the publisher’s formatted version. You can also find information on the various books I have written and access an introductory R and statistics course I wrote.

I also write a blog on science, and society. You can subscribe via email using the subscribe box on the right of this page.

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