HOTTE #4: How My Theory Explains Everything: And Can Make You Healthier, Wealthier and Happier

The fourth essay in Hanging On To The Edges. A reflection on why scientists behave like red jungle fowl, and a hesitant encomium to doubt and uncertainty.

How my theory explains everything 1.0 (PDF)

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2 thoughts on “HOTTE #4: How My Theory Explains Everything: And Can Make You Healthier, Wealthier and Happier”

  1. Yes, I think your in-progress book, “As Far As It Goes… A decent theory…” WILL SELL. On two points; 1. name recognition as author of two previous great books (Personality and Happiness are two); 2. current whet-the-appetite on these essays made available in Hanging On To The Edges. I’m going to submit Request For Purchase to my city public library! We already have “Happiness”. For “Personality,” I purchased that from Amazon. This all worked out to my advantage.

    1. Thanks for your comment Mary…and you obviously read right to the end….

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