
All my peer-reviewed academic papers. Papers on this page are in roughly reverse-chronological order. For books, see separate page.

233. Guley, O., J. Heller, E. Pasquinelli & D. Nettle (2025). Do people perceive mental disorders as a part of the true self? Implications and variation across seven disorders. . PsyArXiv Data and code here

232. de Courson, B., W. Frankenhuis, J-L van Gelder & D. Nettle (2025). Explaining the paradoxical effects of poverty on decision making: The Desperation Threshold Model. Preprint. PsyArXiv

231. Reed, H. R., D. Nettle, F. Parra-Mujica, G. Stark, R. Wilkinson, M.T. Johnson & E.A. Johnson (2025). Examining the relationship between income and both mental and physical health among adults in the UK: Analysis of 12 waves (2009–2022) of Understanding Society. PLoS ONE 20: e0316792.

230. Bridger, E. K., Maltby, J., Professor, Fried, E. I., & Nettle, D. (2025). Causal beliefs about social determinants of depression, poverty and mortality. Preprint. PsyArXiv Code and data here.

229. Ciranka, S., C. Chevallier and D. Nettle (2025). Low socioeconomic status amplifies the perceived rarity of large rewards. Preprint. PsyArXiv Code and data here

228. Bateson, M., C. Chevallier, E.A. Johnson, M. T. Johnson, K.E. Pickett and D. Nettle (2025). Does food insecurity cause anxiety and depression? Evidence from the Changing Cost of Living Study. Preprint. PsyArXiv Code and data here

227. Reed H.R., Johnson E.A., Stark G., Nettle D., Pickett K.E., et al. (2024) Estimating the effects of Basic Income schemes on mental and physical health among adults aged 18 and above in the UK: A microsimulation study. PLOS Mental Health 1: e0000206.

226. Tho Pesch, F, C. Chevallier and D. Nettle (2024). UK adults of lower socioeconomic status report more overall life stress, but not more daily hassles: A daily diary study. Preprint. Code and data here.

225. Davis, A.J., E. Cohen and D. Nettle (2024). Associations amongst poverty, loneliness, and a defensive symptom cluster characterised by pain, fatigue, and low mood. Preprint. PsyArXiv. Code and data here

224. Neal, C., G.V. Pepper, O. Shannon, C. Allen, M. Bateson and D. Nettle (2024). The daily experience of hunger in UK females with and without food insecurity. Appetite. Code and data here

223. Neal, C., G.V. Pepper, C. Allen, O. Shannon, and D. Nettle (2024). No effect of hunger on the memory of food images and prices. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology Code and data here

222. de Courson, B., W.E. Frankenhuis and D. Nettle (2024). Poverty is associated with both risk avoidance and risk taking: an empirical test of the desperation threshold model. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 292: 20242071. Data and code here.

221. Baumard, N., L. Fitouchi, J-B, André, D. Nettle and T. Scott-Phillips (2023). The gene’s-eye view of culture: vehicles, not replicators. Preprint. EcoEvoArxiv.

220. Nettle, D., C. Chevallier, B. de Courson, E. A. Johnson, M. T. Johnson and K. Pickett (2025). Short-term changes in financial situation have immediate mental health consequences: Implications for public policy. Social Policy and Administration 59: 293-308. Data and code here and here.

219. Johnson, E.A., I. Hardill, M.T. Johnson & D. Nettle (2023). Breaking the Overton Window: on the need for adversarial co-production. Evidence and Policy.

218. Frankenhuis, W.E., D. Borsboom, D. Nettle and G. Roisman (2023). Formalizing theories of child development: Introduction to the special section. Child Development, 94: 1425-21.

217. Nettle, D., J. Chrisp, E.A. Johnson & M.T. Johnson. (2023). What do British people want from a welfare system? Conjoint survey evidence on generosity, conditionality, funding, and outcomes. Preprint. SocArXiv. Data and code here.

216. Johnson, E.A., H. Webster, J. Morrison, R. Thorold, A. Mathers, D. Nettle, K.E. Pickett & M.T. Johnson (2023). What role do young people believe Universal Basic Income can play in supporting their mental health? Journal of Youth Studies.

215. Bridger, E.K., A. Tufte-Hewitt, D. Comerford and D. Nettle (2024). Why are socioeconomic health inequalities unacceptable? Studying the influence of explanatory framings on cognitive appraisals. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. Data and code here.

213. Ross, C. T., P.L. Hooper, J.E. Smith…and M. Borgerhoff Mulder (2023). Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA , 120: e2220124120. Data and code here.

212. Neal, C., G.V. Pepper, C. Allen and D. Nettle (2023). No effect of hunger on attentional capture by food cues: Two replication studies. Appetite , 191: 107065.  Data and code here.

211. Yin, H., D. Nettle and E. Cherchi (2023). Living in a city where automated taxis are operating and using them: Does this affect consumers’ preferences?. Transportation Research Record 2677: 627-38.

210. Boon-Falleur, M., J.B. Andre, N. Baumard and D. Nettle (2024). Household wealth is associated with perceived trustworthiness in a diverse set of countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science. Data and code here.

209. Pepper, G.V., M. Walker, N. Storey, A. Wallace, M. Shaw, S.L. Mullally and D. Nettle (2023). Early life adversity is associated with phenotypic age but not delay discounting in chronologically young people. Preprint. OSF Preprints. Code and data here.

208. Johnson, M., E. Johnson, H. Reed and D. Nettle (2023). Can the ‘downward spiral’ of material conditions, mental health and faith in government be stopped? Evidence from surveys in ‘red wall’ constituencies. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 26: 131-48. Code and data here.

207. Nettle, D., W.E. Frankenhuis and K. Panchanathan (2023). Biology, society, or choice: How do non-experts interpret explanations of behaviour? Open Mind 7: 625-51.  Code and data here.

206. Radkani, S., E. Holton, B. de Courson, R. Saxe and D. Nettle (2023). Desperation and inequality increase stealing: evidence from experimental microsocieties. Royal Society Open Science  10: 221385. Code and data here.

205. de Courson, B., W. E. Frankenhuis, D. Nettle and J-L van Gelder (2023). Why is violence high and hghpersistent in deprived communities? A formal model. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B  290: 20222095. Code here.

203. Scott-Philips, T.C. and D. Nettle (2022). Cognition and society: prolegomenon to a dialogue. Cognitive Science 46: e13162.

201.  Fitouchi, L., J-B. Andre, N. Baumard and D. Nettle (2022). Harmless bodily pleasures are moralized because they are perceived as reducing self-control and cooperativeness. Preprint. PsyArxiv. Code and data here.

200. Thomas, AJ, B. Woo, D. Nettle, E. Spelke and R. Saxe (2022). Early concepts of intimacy: Young humans use saliva sharing to infer close relationships. Science 375: 311-15. Supplementary information here. Data and code here.

199. Bridger, E.K. and D. Nettle (2022). Public perceptions of the effectiveness of income provision on reducing psychological distress. Journal of Public Mental Health 21: 208-17. Data and code here.

198. Nettle, D. and T. Scott-Phillips (2023). Is a non-evolutionary psychology possible? Synthese Library 478: 21-42.

197. Andrews, C, E. Zuidersma, S. Verhulst, D. Nettle and M. Bateson (2021). Exposure to food insecurity increases energy storage and reduces somatic maintenance in European starlings. Royal Society Open Science  8: 211099. Data and code here.

196. Shinwell, J., M. Bateson, D. Nettle and G. Pepper (2021). Food insecurity and patterns of dietary intake in a sample of UK adults. British Journal of Nutrition 128: 770-7. Data and code here.

194. Johnson, M., E. A. Johnson, D.Nettle & K. Pickett (2022). Designing trials of Universal Basic Income for health impact: identifying interdisciplinary questions to address. Journal of Public Health 44: 208-16.

192. Frankenhuis, W. E. and D. Nettle (2020). Integration of plasticity research across disciplines. Current Opinion in Behavioural Sciences , 36: 157-62.

191. Johnson, E and D. Nettle (2020). Fairness, generosity and conditionality in the welfare system: the case of UK disability benefits. Global Discourse 13: 196-213.

189. Nettle, D, Gadalla, S, Susser, E, Bateson, M, Aviv, A (2021). Telomere length measurement for longitudinal analysis: the role of assay precision. American Journal of Epidemiology 190: 1406-13 Code and data here.

188. Nettle, D., E. Johnson, M. Johnson and R. Saxe (2021). Why has the COVID-19 pandemic increased support for Universal Basic Income? Humanities and Social Science Communications 8: 79. Code and data here.

187. Bateson, M; C. Andrews; J. Dunn; C. Egger, F. Gray, M. McHugh and D. Nettle (2021). Food insecurity increases energetic efficiency, not food consumption: an exploratory study in European starlings. PeerJ 9: e11541. Code and data here.

186. de Courson, B. and D. Nettle (2021). Why do deprivation and inequality produce high crime and low trust? Scientific Reports 11: 1937. Code here.

185. Nettle, D. and W. E. Frankenhuis (2020). Life history theory in psychology and evolutionary biology: one research programme or two?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. 375: 20190490

184. Frankenhuis, W. E. and D. Nettle (2019). The strengths of people in poverty. Current Directions in Psychological Science 29: 16-21.

183. Nettle, D (2019). Selection, adaptation, inheritance and design in human culture: The view from the Price equation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. 375: 20190358.

182. Fraser, S. and D. Nettle (2020). Hunger affects social decisions in a multi-round Public Goods Game but not a single-shot Ultimatum Game. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 6: 334-55.  Code and data here.

181. Nettle, D (2019). Social inequality: The embedding of adversity across the life course. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 47: 672-7.

180. Nettle, D. and R. Saxe (2020). Preferences for redistribution are sensitive to perceived luck, social homogeneity, war and scarcity. Cognition 198: 104234. Code and data here.

178. Dunn, J, C. Andrews, M. Bateson and D. Nettle (2019). Developmental history, energetic state and choice impulsivity in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. Animal Cognition 22: 413-21. Code and data here

177. Godell, S,, M. Randle, M. Bateson and D. Nettle (2019). Baseline food insecurity moderates the acute effect of subjective socioeconomic status on food consumption. Frontiers in Psychology 10: 1886. Code and data here.

176. Nettle, D and W. Frankenhuis (2019). The evolution of life history theory: Bibliometric analysis of an interdisciplinary research area. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20190040. Code and data here.

175. Frankenhuis, W., D. Nettle and S. Dall (2019). A case for environmental statistics of early-life effects. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B 374: 20180110.

174. Nettle, D., L.A. Seeker, D. Nussey, H. Froy and M. Bateson (2019). Consequences of measurement error in qPCR telomere data: A simulation study. PLoS ONE 14: e0216118. Code here.

173. Gott, A, C. Andrews, T. Bedford, D. Nettle and M. Bateson (2018). Developmental history and stress responsiveness are related to response inhibition, but not judgement bias, in a cohort of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Animal Cognition 22: 99-111. Data and code here.

172. Bateson, M., A. Aviv, L. Bendix, … and D. Nettle (2019). Smoking does not accelerate leucocyte telomere attrition: a meta-analysis of 18 longitudinal cohorts. Royal Society Open Science 6: 190420. Code and data here.

171. Dunn, J., Andrews, C., Nettle, D. and M. Bateson (2018). Evaluating the cyclic ratio schedule as an assay of feeding behaviour in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). PLoS ONE  13: e0206363. Data and code here.

170. Allen, C. and D. Nettle (2019). Hunger and socioeconomic background additively predict impulsvity in humans. Current Psychology 40: 2275-2289. Code and data here.

169. Bateson, M, DTA Eisenberg and D. Nettle (2019). Controlling for baseline telomere length biases estimates of the rate of telomere attrition. Royal Society Open Science 6: 190937. Code here.

168. Gott, A., C. Andrews, M. Larriva Hormigos, K. Spencer, M. Bateson and D. Nettle (2018). Chronological age, biological age, and individual variation in the stress response in the European starling: A follow-up study. PeerJ 6: e5842. Data and code here.

167. Van Berkel, M, M. Bateson, D. Nettle and J. Dunn (2018). Can starlings use a reliable cue of future food deprivation to adaptively modify foraging and fat reserves? Animal Behaviour 142: 147-55. Data and code here.

166. Frankenhuis, W., D. Nettle and J. McNamara (2018). Echoes of early life: Recent insights from mathematical modelling. Child Development 89: 1504-18.

165. Pepper, G.V., M. Bateson and D. Nettle (2018). Telomeres as integrative markers of exposure to stress and adversity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Royal Society Open Science 5: 180744. Data and code here.

164. Nettle, D., M. Joly, E. Broadbent, C. Smith, E. Tittle and M. Bateson (2018). Opportunistic food consumption in relation to childhood and adult food insecurity: An exploratory correlational study. Appetite , 132: 222-9. Data and code here

163. Dunn, J., Andrews, C., Nettle, D. and M. Bateson (2018). Early-life begging effort reduces adult body mass but strengthens behavioural defence of the rate of energy intake in European starlings. Royal Society Open Science , 5: 171918.

162. Frankenhuis, W. and D. Nettle (2018). Open science is liberating and can foster creativity. Perspectives on Psychological Science , 13: 439-47.

161. Andrews, C., D. Nettle, S. Reichert, T. Bedford, P. Monaghan, M. Bateson (2018). A marker of biological ageing predicts risk preference in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. Behavioral Ecology , 29: 589-97. Data and code here.

160. Nettle, D. (2019). State-dependent cognition and its relevance to cultural evolution. Behavioral Processes , 161: 101-7.

159. Bonham, T, G.V. Pepper and D. Nettle (2018). The relationships between exercise and affective states: A naturalistic, longitudinal study of recreational runners. PeerJ , 6: e4257. Data and code here.

158. Neville, V., C. Andrews, D. Nettle and M. Bateson (2017). Dissociating the effects of alternative early-life feeding schedules on the development of adult depression-like phenotypes. Scientific Reports , 7: 14832. Data and script here.

157. Bateson, M. and D. Nettle (2018). Why are there associations between telomere length and behaviour? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 373: 20160438.

156. Andrews C., Nettle D., Larriva, M., Gillespie R., Reichert S., Brilot B.O., Bedford T., Monaghan P., Spencer K.A. and M. Bateson (2017). A marker of biological age explains individual variation in the strength of the adult stress response. Royal Society Open Science , 4: 171208. Data and code

155. Pepper G.V., Corby D.H., Bamber R., Smith H., Wong N., and D. Nettle (2017). The influence of mortality and socioeconomic status on risk and delayed rewards: a replication with British participants. PeerJ , 5: e3528. Code and data here.

153. Bedford, T., Oliver, C.J., Andrews, C., Bateson, M. and Nettle, D. (2017). Effects of early-life adversity and sex on dominance in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. Animal Behaviour , 128: 51-60 . Data and R script.

152. Nettle, D. (2017). Does hunger contribute to socioeconomic gradients in behaviour? Frontiers in Psychology , 8: 358.

151. Hartman, S., Li, Z., Nettle, D., & J. Belsky (2017). External-environmental and internal-health early-life predictors of adolescent development. Development and Psychopathology , 29: 1839-49.

150. Pepper, G. V. and D. Nettle (2017). The behavioural constellation of deprivation: Causes and consequences. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40: e314.

149. Nettle, D. and M. Bateson (2017). Detecting telomere elongation: Analysis of a proposal by Simons, Stulp and Nakagawa. PeerJ , 5: e3265.

148. Nettle, D., C. Andrews, S. Reichert, T. Bedford, C. Kolenda, C. Parker, C. Martin-Ruiz, P. Monaghan, M. Bateson (2017). Early-life adversity accelerates cellular ageing and affects adult inflammation: Experimental evidence from the European starling. Scientific Reports , 7: 40794. Data and R script

147. Bateson, M. and D. Nettle (2017). The telomere lengthening conundrum: It could be biology. Aging Cell 16: 213-9. Supporting information

146. Nettle, D., Andrews, C., Reichert, S., Bedford, T., Gott, A., Parker, C., Kolenda, C., Martin-Ruiz, C., Monaghan, P. and Bateson, M. (2016). Brood size moderates associations between relative size, telomere length, and immune development in European starling nestlings. Ecology and Evolution 6: 8138-48. Data and R code

145. Nettle, D., C.P. Andrews and M. Bateson (2017). Food insecurity as a driver of obesity in humans: The insurance hypothesis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40: e105.  Code and data.

144. Frankenhuis, W.E., K. Panchanathan and D. Nettle (2016). Cognition in harsh and unpredictable environments. Current Opinion in Psychology , 7: 76-80.

143. Smith, J.E., Gavrilets, S., Borgerhoff Mulder, M., Hooper, P.L., Mouden, C.E., Nettle, D., Hauert, C., Hill, K., Perry, S., Pusey, A.E., van Vugt, M. and Smith, E.A. (2016). Leadership in mammalian societies: emergence, distribution, power, and payoff. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31: 54-66. Leadership: Supplementary information.

142. Nettle, D., C.P. Andrews, P. Monaghan, B.O. Brilot, T. Bedford, R. Gillespie and M. Bateson (2015). Developmental and familial predictors of adult cognitive traits in the European starling. Animal Behaviour 107: 239-48. Code and data here.

141. Bateson, M., M. Emmerson, G. Ergün, P. Monaghan and D. Nettle (2015). Opposite effects of early-life competition and developmental telomere attrition on cognitive biases in juvenile European starlings. PLoS ONE 10: e0132602. Data.

140. O’Hagan, D., C. P. Andrews, T. Bedford, M. Bateson and D. Nettle (2015). Early life disadvantage strengthens flight performance trade-offs in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. Animal Behaviour 102: 141-8.  Data and supplementary tables.

138. Nettle, D. and M. Bateson (2015). Adaptive developmental plasticity: What is it, how can we recognize it and when can it evolve? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences  282: 20151005.

137. Bateson, M. and D. Nettle (2015). Development of a cognitive bias methodology for measuring low mood in chimpanzees. PeerJ , 3: e998. Data

135. Schroeder, K.B., R. McElreath and D. Nettle (2015). Interactions between personality and institutions in cooperative behaviour in humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370: 20150011.

134. Clutterbuck, S., J. Adams and D. Nettle (2015). Frequent residential relocations cumulatively accelerate menarcheal timing in a sample of English adolescent girls. Journal of Biosocial Science 47: 188-202.

133. Bateson, M., B.O. Brilot, R. Gillespie, P. Monaghan and D. Nettle (2015). Developmental telomere attrition predicts impulsive decision-making in adult starlings. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282: 20142140. Data here

132. Bateson, M., R. Robinson, T. Abayomi-Cole, J. Greenlees, A. O’Connor and D. Nettle (2015). Watching eyes on potential litter can reduce littering: Evidence from two field experiments. PeerJ 3: e1443. Data

131. Andrews, C., J. Viviani, E. Egan, T. Bedford, B. Brilot, D. Nettle, and M. Bateson (2015). Early life adversity increases foraging and information gathering in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. Animal Behaviour 109: 123-32. Data and R code

130. Nettle, D., P. Monaghan, R. Gillespie, B. Brilot, T. Bedford, and M. Bateson (2015). An experimental demonstration that early-life competitive disadvantage accelerates telomere loss. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282: 20141610.  Data

129. Pepper, G. V. and D. Nettle (2014). Socioeconomic disparities in health behaviour: An evolutionary perspective. Applied Evolutionary Anthropology: Darwinian Approaches to Contemporary World Issues (D. W. Lawson & M. Gibson eds.), pp. 225-43. New York: Springer.

126. Hill, J.M., Jobling, R., Pollet, T.V. and Nettle, D. (2014). Social capital across urban neighborhoods: A comparison of self-report and observational data. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 8: 59-69.

125. Hill J, T.V. Pollet and D. Nettle (2014). Disorder affects judgements about a neighbourhood: police presence does not. PeerJ  2: e287. Supplemental information

124. Nettle, D., G.V. Pepper, R. Jobling and K.B. Schroeder (2014). Being there: A brief visit to a neighbourhood induces the social attitudes of that neighbourhood. PeerJ 2: e236. Data

123. El Mouden, C., J-B André, O. Morin and D. Nettle (2014). Cultural transmission and the evolution of human behaviour: A general approach based on the Price equation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 231-41. Supporting information.

121. Nettle, D (2014). What the future held: Childhood psychosocial adversity is associated with health deterioration through adulthood in a cohort of British women. Evolution and Human Behavior 35: 519-25.

120. Bateson, PPG and D Nettle (2014). Playfulness, ideas and creativity: A survey. Creativity Research Journal 26: 219-22.

118. Schroeder, K.B., G.V. Pepper and D. Nettle (2014). Local norms of cheating and the cultural evolution of crime and punishment: A study of two urban neighborhoods. PeerJ 2: e450.

117. Fathi, M., M. Bateson and D. Nettle (2014). Effects of watching eyes and norm cues on charitable giving in a surreptitious behavioral experiment. Evolutionary Psychology 12: 878-87. Data supplement.

116. Rickard, I.J., W.E. Frankenhuis and D. Nettle (2014). Why are childhood family factors associated with timing of maturation? A role for internal prediction. Perspectives on Psychological Science 9: 3-15.

115. Adams, J., E. Stamp, D. Nettle, E.M.G Milne and C. Jagger (2014).Socioeconomic position and the association between anticipated and actual survival in older English adults. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 68: 818-25.

114. Bloxham, L., M. Bateson, T. Bedford, B. Brilot and D. Nettle (2014). The memory of hunger: Developmental plasticity of dietary selectivity in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris. Animal Behaviour 91: 33-40. Appendices and data

113. Nettle, D., T.E. Dickins, D.A. Coall and P. de Mornay Davies (2013). Patterns of physical and psychological development in future teenage mothers. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health 1: 187-96.

112. Nettle, D., P. Monaghan, W. Boner, R. Gillespie, and M. Bateson (2013). Bottom of the heap: Having heavier competitors accelerates early-life telomere loss in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris. PLoS ONE 8: e83617. Data

111 Bateson, M., L. Callow, J.R. Holmes, M.L. Redmond Roche, and D. Nettle (2013). Do images of ‘watching eyes’ induce behaviour that is more pro-social or more normative? A field experiment on littering. PLoS ONE 8: e82055. Data.

109. Nettle, D., K. A. Cronin and M. Bateson (2013). Responses of chimpanzees to cues of conspecific observation. Animal Behaviour 86: 595-602. Data.

108. Nettle, D., M.A. Gibson, D.W Lawson and R. Sear (2013). Human behavioral ecology: Current research and future prospects. Behavioral Ecology 24: 1031-40.

107. Nettle, D., W.E. Frankenhuis and I.J. Rickard (2013). The evolution of predictive adaptive responses in human life history. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280: 20131343.

106. Kareklas, K., D. Nettle and T.V. Smulders (2013). Water-induced finger wrinkling improves handling of wet objects. Biology Letters 9: 20120999.

105. Schroeder, K. B., R. McElreath and D. Nettle (2013). Variants at serotonin transporter and 2A receptor genes predict cooperative behavior differentially according to presence of punishment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110: 3955-60.

104. Stulp, G., A. P. Buunk, T.V. Pollet, D. Nettle, and S. Verhulst (2013). Are human mate preferences with respect to height reflected in actual pairings?. PLoS ONE 8: e54186.

103. Nettle, D., Z. Harper, A. Kidson, R. Stone, I.S. Penton-Voak, and M. Bateson (2013). The watching eyes effect in the Dictator Game: It’s not how much you give, it’s being seen to give something. Evolution and Human Behavior 34: 35-40.

102. Sylwester, K., Lyons, M., Buchanan, C., Nettle, D., Roberts, G. (2012). The role of Theory of Mind in assessing cooperative intentions Personality and Individual Differences 52: 113-7.

099. Nettle, D., K. Nott and M. Bateson (2012). ‘Cycle thieves, we are watching you’: Impact of a simple signage intervention against bicycle theft. PLoS ONE 7: e51738.

098. Nettle, D., R. Coyne and A. Colleony (2012). No country for old men: Street use and social diet in urban Newcastle. Human Nature 23: 375-85.

097. Powell, K., G. Roberts and D. Nettle (2012). Eye images increase charitable donations: evidence from an opportunistic field experiment in a supermarket. Ethology 118: 1096-101. Data.

096. Nettle, D. and M. Bateson (2012). Evolutionary origins of mood and its disorders. Current Biology 22: R712-21.

095. Brilot, B.O., M. Bateson, D. Nettle, M.J. Whittingham and J.C.A. Read (2012). When is general wariness favored in avoiding multiple predator types?. American Naturalist , 179: E180-95.

093. Nettle, D. (2012). Social scale and structural complexity in human language. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B  367: 1829-36.

091. Bateson, M., B. Brilot and D. Nettle (2011). Anxiety: An evolutionary approach. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 56: 707-15.

088. Stulp, G., Verhulst, S., Pollet, T.V., Nettle, D., Buunk, A.P. (2011). Parental height differences predict the need for an emergency caesarean section. PLoS ONE 6: e20497.

087. Clegg, H., D. Nettle and D. Miell (2011). Status and mating success amongst visual artists. Frontiers in Psychology 2: 310.

086. Nettle, D., A. Colleony and M. Cockerill (2011). Variation in cooperative behaviour within a single city. PLoS ONE 6: e26922.

085. Nettle, D., K. Panchanathan, T. Rai and A. Fiske (2011). The evolution of giving, sharing and lotteries. Current Anthropology 52: 747-56.

083. Nettle, D., D.A. Coall and T. E. Dickins (2011). Early-life conditions and age at first pregnancy in British women. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278: 1721-7.

082. Ernest-Jones, M., D. Nettle and M. Bateson (2011)Effects of eye images on everyday cooperative behavior: a field experiment. Evolution and Human Behavior 32: 172-8.

081. Nettle, D. (2011). Flexibility in reproductive timing in humans: Integrating ultimate and proximate explanations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B: Biological Sciences 366: 357-65.

080. Nettle, D. and L. Penke (2010). Personality: Bridging the literatures from psychology and behavioural ecology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B: Biological Sciences , 365: 4043-50.

077. Nettle, D. and M. Cockerill (2010). Development of social variation in reproductive schedules: A study from an English urban area. PLoS ONE 5: e12690.

076. Nettle, D. (2010). Understanding of evolution may be improved by thinking about people. Evolutionary Psychology 8: 205-28.

075. Nettle, D. (2010). Dying young and living fast: Variation in life history across English neighbourhoods. Behavioral Ecology 21: 387-95.

074. Nettle, D., D.A. Coall and T.E.Dickins (2010). Birthweight and paternal involvement predict early reproduction in British women: Evidence from the National Child Development Study. American Journal of Human Biology 22: 172-9.

073. Pollet, T.V. and D. Nettle (2010). No evidence for the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis from British and rural Guatemalan data. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 8: 57-74.

071. Watts, G. and D. Nettle (2010). The role of anxiety in vaginismus: A case-control study. Journal of Sexual Medicine 7: 143-8.

067. Nettle, D. (2009). Ecological influences on human behavioural diversity: A review of recent findings. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 218-24.

066. Pollet, T.V. and D. Nettle (2009). Birth order and adult family relationships: Firstborns have better sibling relationships than laterborns. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 26: 1029-46.

064. Pollet, T.V., T.W. Fawcett, A. P. Buunk and D. Nettle (2009). Sex-ratio biasing towards daughters among lower-ranking cowives in Rwanda. Biology Letters 5: 765-8.

063. Nettle, D. (2009). An evolutionary model of low mood states. Journal of Theoretical Biology 257: 100-3.

062. Nettle, D. (2009). Beyond nature versus culture: Cultural variation as an evolved characteristic. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 15: 223-40.

061. Pollet, T.V., M. Nelissen and D. Nettle, D. (2009). Lineage differences in grandparental investment: Evidence from a large British cohort. Journal of Biosocial Science 41: 355-79.

060. Pollet, T.V. and D. Nettle (2009). Market forces affect patterns of polygyny in Uganda. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106: 2114-7.

057. Adams, J. and D. Nettle (2009). Time perspective, personality and smoking, body mass, and physical activity: An empirical study. British Journal of Health Psychology 14: 83-105.

055. Nettle, D. and T.V. Pollet (2008). Natural selection on male wealth in humans. American Naturalist 172: 658-66.

054. Nettle, D. (2008).Why do some dads get more involved than others? Evidence from a large British cohort. Evolution and Human Behaviour 29: 416-23.

053. Nettle. D. and B. Liddle (2008). Agreeableness is related to social-cognitive, but not social-perceptual, theory of mind. European Journal of Personality 22: 323-35.

052. Pollet, T.V. and D. Nettle (2008). Taller women do better in a stressed environment: Height and reproductive success in rural Guatemalan women. American Journal of Human Biology 20: 264-9.

051. Pollet, T.V. and D. Nettle (2008). Driving a hard bargain: Sex ratio and male marriage success in a historical U.S. population. Biology Letters 4: 31-3.

050. Nettle, D., J. Grace, M. Choisy, H. Cornell, J-F. Guegan and M. Hochberg (2007). Cultural diversity, economic development and societal instability. PLoS ONE 2: e929.

047. Nettle, D. (2007). A module for metaphor? The site of imagination in the architecture of the mind. Proceedings of the British Academy 147: 269-74.

046. Farrelly, D. and D. Nettle (2007). Marriage affects competitive performance in male tennis players. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 5: 141-8.

044. Pollet, T.V. and D. Nettle (2007). Birth order and face-to-face contact with a sibling: Firstborns have more contact than laterborns. Personality and Individual Differences 43: 1796-1806.

042. Nettle, D. (2006). Language: Costs and benefits of specialised system for social information transmission. Social Information Transmission and Human Biology (J. Wells, S. Strickland and K. Laland eds.), pp. 137-52. London: Routledge.

041. Bateson, M., G. Roberts and D. Nettle (2006). Cues of being watched enhance cooperation in a real-world setting. Biology Letters 3: 412-4.

040. Liddle, B. and D. Nettle (2006). Higher-order theory of mind and social competence in school-age children. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology 4: 231-46.

039. Nettle, D. (2006). The evolution of personality variation in humans and other animals. American Psychologist 61: 622-31.

038. Pollet, T.V., Nettle, D. and Nelissen, M. (2006). Contact frequencies between grandparents and grandchildren in a modern society. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology 4: 231-46.

037. Nettle, D. (2006). Schizotypy and mental health amongst artists, poets and mathematicians. Journal of Research in Personality 40: 876-90.

036. Nettle, D. and H. Clegg (2006). Schizotypy, creativity, and mating success in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B: Biological Sciences 273: 611-5.

035. Nettle, D. (2006). Psychological profiles of professional actors. Personality and Individual Differences 40: 375-83.

034. Haselton, M.G. and D. Nettle (2006). The paranoid optimist: An integrative evolutionary model of cognitive bias. Personality and Social Psychology Review 10: 47-66.

031. Roberts, K.H., Munafo, M.R., Rodriguez, D., Drury, M., Murphy, M.F.G, Neale, R., and D. Nettle (2005). Longitudinal analysis of the effect of prenatal nicotine exposure on subsequent smoking behaviour of offspring. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 7: 1-8.

030. Fessler, D.M.T., D. Nettle, Y. Afshar, I. de Andrade Pinheiro, A. Bolyanatz, M.e Borgerhoff Mulder, M. Cravalho, T. Delgado, B. Gruzd, M. Oliveira Correia, D. Khaltourina, A. Korotayev, J. Marrow, L. Santiago de Souza, and A. Zbarauskaite (2005). A cross-cultural investigation of the role of foot size in physical attractiveness. Archives of Sexual Behavior 34: 267-76.

029. Nettle, D. (2005). An evolutionary approach to the extraversion continuum. Evolution and Human Behavior 26: 263-73.

028. Joinson, C. and D. Nettle (2005). Season of birth and sensation-seeking in an adult population. Personality and Individual Differences 38: 859-70.

027. Nettle, D. (2005). The wheel of fire and the mating game: Exploring the foundations of drama. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology 3: 39-56.

024. Nettle, D. (2004). Evolutionary origins of depression: A review and reformulation. Journal of Affective Disorders 81: 91-102.

023. Nettle, D. (2003). Intelligence and class mobility in the British population. British Journal of Psychology 94: 551-61.

022. Stiller, J., D. Nettle, and R.I.M. Dunbar (2003). The small world of Shakespeare’s plays. Human Nature 14: 397-408.

021. Nettle, D. (2003). Hand laterality and cognitive ability: A multiple regression approach. Brain and Cognition 52: 390-8.

020. Nettle, D. and L. Harriss (2003). Genetic and linguistic affiliations amongst human populations in Africa and Eurasia. Human Biology 75: 331-44.

019. Nettle, D. (2002). Height and reproductive success in a cohort of British men. Human Nature 13: 473-91.

018. Nettle, D. (2002). Women’s height, reproductive success and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in modern humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B: Biological Sciences 269: 1919-23.

017. Nettle, D. (2000). Linguistic fragmentation and the wealth of nations: The Fishman-Pool hypothesis re-examined. Economic Development and Cultural Change 48: 335-48.

012. Nettle, D. (1999). Linguistic diversity of the Americas can be reconciled with a recent colonization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 96: 3325-9.

011. Nettle, D. (1999). Using Social Impact Theory to simulate language change. Lingua 108: 95-117.

010. Nettle, D. (1999). Is the rate of linguistic change constant? Lingua 108: 119-36.

009. Nettle, D. (1998). Explaining global patterns of language diversity. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology , 17: 354-74.

007. Nettle, D. (1998). Coevolution of phonology and the lexicon in twelve languages of West Africa. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 5: 240-5.

006. Nettle, D. (1997). On the status of methodological individualism: A commentary. Current Anthropology 38: 283-6.

005. Nettle, D. and R.I.M. Dunbar (1997). Social markers and the evolution of reciprocal exchange. Current Anthropology 38: 93-9.

004. Nettle, D. (1996). Language diversity in West Africa: An ecological approach. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 15: 403-38.

003. Nettle, D. (1995). Segmental inventory size, word length, and communicative efficiency. Linguistics 33: 359-67.

002. Dunbar, R.I.M, N. Duncan & D. Nettle (1995). Size and structure of freely-forming conversational groups.. Human Nature 6: 67-78.

001. Nettle, D. (1994). A behavioural correlate of phonological structure. Language and Speech 37: 425-9.

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